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  • Forbes

    What Is Irritability? Symptoms, Causes And Treatments

    Irritability is a natural human emotion, but if experienced in extremes, there is likely an underlying issue that needs to be treated, says Abby Wilson.

  • TIME

    How to Find a Therapist Who’s Right for You

    Research has consistently shown that people who have a good relationship with their therapist get the most out of therapy.

  • Vogue

    How Do You Know When You’re Falling Out of Love?

    Wilson recommends individual therapy to explore your concerns without the fear of hurting your partner, and then talking to your partner openly

  • Business Insider

    Venting about mutual friends may make you more likable. But it can also backfire.

    Wilson said that how you vent makes a difference in how relatable it feels to the person you're venting to.

  • Bumble

    6 Ways to Start Practicing Self-Love

    Sometimes we put so much focus on loving other people—whether that’s romantic partners, friends, or family—that we can forget how important it is to love ourselves.

  • Bustle

    TikTok's "Damp" Lifestyle Is All About Mindful Drinking

    It’s healthy to take a step back and be curious about which behaviors are supporting you versus hindering your growth as a person, Wilson tells Bustle.

  • Best Life

    "Toxic Positivity" Is a Problem, Therapists Say—Here's How to Spot It in Your Life

    We’ve all been told at some point to “stay positive” in life.

  • Well + Good

    What Is the Bristle Reaction, and What Does It Mean For Your Relationship?

    Mental health and relationship experts explain the psychology behind the bristle reaction, and how to work through connection issues with your partner.

  • PsychCentral

    10 Ways to Figure Out What’s Important to You

    Psychotherapist Abby Wilson explains, “The people you surround yourself with will influence your beliefs and behaviors.”

  • Wondermind

    5 Ways to Give Yourself a Damn Break Today

    While sometimes you do need a little tough love, shame isn't the only motivator for change, says therapist Abby Wilson, LCSW.

  • UpJourney

    How to Be Patient in a Relationship (60+ Ways to Improve)

    When it comes to relationships, one of the most important things you can do is develop patience.

  • Partners in Fire

    Mental Health Experts Speak Out: The Many Benefits of Journaling

    Here’s what seventeen therapists, coaches, counselors, psychiatrists, and psychologists say about the positive impacts journaling can have on your life.

  • Wondermind

    How to Deal When Other People’s Holidays Make You Feel Sad

    You might find yourself wondering, Why don't I have this picture-perfect life? And that inadequate feeling can also exacerbate anxiety or depression, Wilson says.

  • Twill Care

    How to Be Less Anxious About a Doctor’s Appointment

    It’s safe to say that for most of us, going to a healthcare provider is not ranked highly on our list of favorite activities.

  • Sweat & Tell

    Why Fitness is Essential to your Mental Health

    We spoke with Abby, a licensed therapist, about the importance of finding the right therapist.

  • Medium

    6 Goodbye Grudge Strategies

    Humans excel at holding grudges. Our minds are wackily wired to believe if we never forget an offense, we won’t fall victim to it again. But grudge-holding inflicts harm.

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